
From Minnesota to North Carolina

Wow, it has been over a month since our last post.  These last few weeks have been very busy and somewhat chaotic as we packed up our home, visited family and friends and moved across the country to North Carolina.

Here are some snapshots...

Early July - Jonathan attempted Long's Peak with Jim and Erin K and Scott M.  A thunderstorm turned us around just a few hundred feet from the peak.  One minute it was clear, the next found us inside a thunderhead with snow, rain, sleet, thunder and lightning.

The middle of July found us at Camp Patmos with Trinity's SH and JH campers.  Between weeks at camp we were able to spend some time with family at their cabin close to Patmos.  It was fun being in the north woods and hearing the loons.

The remainder of July was spent with family and friends as we sorted and packed up our house and two sets of bags, one for North Carolina and one for Kenya.  Here Miriam is taking a rest from the work, naturally sitting right on the garage floor!

We had lots of help in the house - thank you to all those who did come, many hands made the work lighter.  We only have a couple of pictures from this time but we had help from many - thank you again!

A huge answer to prayer is that Brian and Patty Arensen, also missionaries with Africa Inland Mission, moved into our home for the next year.  We moved out and spent the last week in MN at Jonathan's grandma's house.

August 3rd we packed the Highlander (thank you Karen, for the use of your vehicle for this trip!) and made our way to MI.

Our dog, Makwa, rode along in the back.  He must have known it would be his last trip with us as he was quite mopey!

We spent a few days with Jonathan's grandparents in MI along with his brother, Daniel, and his wife Tanya, who drove from Boston to pick up Makwa.  Here are some more pictures from along the way...

Potty training always goes better in fields of clover!

Horsing around...

Cool as a cucumber - what a great little traveler!

We arrived in Waxhaw, NC, last Sunday and have settled into our little one bedroom apartment at JAARS.  This week has been busy settling into a new routine as Jonathan began his C206 training program and Rachel and Miriam became reacquainted with life at JAARS.  We look forward to hearing from you and will keep you posted with more regular updates as they occur!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you guys did some serious packing in he last days. Rachel & Nani, was good to hear your voices today :-)
