
Bugs and Spiders

OK - so NC has some huge spiders and bugs...
This one was crawling up Jonathan's leg while we were having a picnic last night...he jumped about a mile when he saw what was on its way up!!!


Nani's days

Here are how Nani enjoys spending her days:
Taking walks- sometimes she pushes the stroller and sometimes mama pushes her in the stroller.
Playing in the bottom cupboard with playmates who fit too.
Riding her "bike" as she calls it. She even talks about her bike in her sleep : )
Swinging at the playground- which she calls the "swings and slides"
And, as you may have all ready noticed from the pictures above, playing with her new friends.
This is Madilyn who is only 2 weeks older than Miriam.


Exploring NC

Last weekend we drove to Montreat, NC with our friends Nick, Katilyn and Asher.  We had a picnic in a neat play area near a stream and then played in the water for a while.  Afterwards we drove along the Blue Ridge Parkway for a couple of hours.  Even though it was extremely foggy and we spent much of the drive in the clouds it was absolutely beautiful.  On the way home we stopped at the City Table Restaurant and had some awesome BBQ.

This is one of the last pictures we have of Nani with her beloved Zizi (her binky/nuk/pacifier).  This week she chewed a hole in it and had to throw it away.  It was her last one and she has learned to go without!